How to find materials.
Answer all these questions after doing some practice.
1- What is "smart" searching?
2- What are the most popular search engines?
3- The websites that appear at the top of the results pages are there for several?
4- Is it better to put more or less words into search engine?
5- Should you include words such as the, in, and when searching? Why, or why not?
6- What happens if I put a "+"/"-"before the information that I am searching for?
7- If I type "OR" between two words that I am looking for, what will the search engine do?
8- If I type "Angelina Jolie is going to marry Brad Pitt", what will the search engine do?
9- How do you limit the search to only one website?Such as the BBC?
10- If I go to, what type of information do you think I am looking for?
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Monday, 14 April 2008
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Reporting on a forum

John Thorp is a reporter from the Guardian. He is interviewing Louise Waters who participated in the alt.alien.visitors forum. John is asking her about what Ron, Ben, Thelma and Steve said about a UFO.
Write his interview.
Start like this:
John Thorp : Good morning Mrs. Waters. I know you like participating in forums about UFOs. You told me that you really believe in them. I know you were in a forum when someone said he had seen a UFO. Could you, please, answer a few questions?
John Thorp : Right then. What forum is this?
Louise Waters: It is the …..
(use questions on unit 13, page. 55)
Monday, 31 March 2008
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
A school LAN

Unit 11
1- Make a mind map of a school LAN.
When you finish you have to:
2- Describe what kind of hardware is used
3- Who are the users?
4- What do teachers use it for?
5- What does the Headmaster use it for?
6- What do the secretaries use it for?
7- What do students use it for?
8- What do the librarian use it for?
Your LAN should include at least:
2 IT classrooms with 15 computers each
1 staffroom
1 Headmaster office
1 Secretaries office
1 Library
You can use for your mind map
Monday, 28 January 2008
Description of a LAN
Write a description of the LAN in pag. 46
Remember to look at your answer in task 1 to help you.
Start like in task 12 pag. 49
New Town Health Centre
Local Area Network
Remember to look at your answer in task 1 to help you.
Start like in task 12 pag. 49
New Town Health Centre
Local Area Network
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